Monday 10 January 2011


 These drawings were been done when I was watching "King-Kong" the film by Peter Jackson. I actually watched the film for the 4th time for the sake of project, and I enjoyed the film the way I enjoy it the first time.  I also began to notice thing that I didn't noticed the first time when i watch the film. For example the camera angles and the closeup shots of the gorilla look very dramatic. specially the closeup shot of his eyes on one of the scene  looked very artistic and the way the eyes are communicating with the audience and leading up to the next scene was a great camera trick. 

 These are some more quick skeches of the beast in action.

 This was a one-off picture which i drew from my imagination, i thought the perspective of the picture looks interesting and also the abstract stokes of the model looks very cartoony.

This character here is from the book called (Character Design- by- Chris Patmore)  I went through theses books to get some ideas and inspiration to create my character. when i was flicking through theses book i saw so many different and interesting characters. However this character seemed to strike me the most from the rest.  I liked the look of this creature, it was ecstatically pleasing for me. In some ways I think he looks like Tarzan from the Disney because of his thin curved body shape.

Well going through this book thought me a great deal of how to create a character from what you have been given and how to research far in to the characters personality.

Theses two pages from above are from a book called (Force -by- Michale D. Mattesi). Just take a look at the gorilla with the boxing gloves, quite a creative way of thinking about a character. And it looks like he is going to snap at any moment. The pose of the drawing looks very animated because of the way the curved strokes are being created by the back ink.

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